Cuando empeze en mi processo del Hip Hop en Cali,Colombia. Empeze con un grupo de bailarines de break y rapperos. Cuales conoci en la Ciclovia de la Novena. La mayoria del combo eran del Barrio Alfonso Lopez yo vivia en Barrio La Nueva Granada. Con los B-boys ibamos a las minitekas a batallar otro bailarines, promocionar el Hip Hop y demuestrar nuestro talento en el las discotekas de Cali (Barbarelas, The Getto, Nuestra Herencia) y batallar a otros bailarines en la discoteka.
(From left to right: Neno, Norberto, Kike, Carnicero, Mostrico)
El parche luego se desarollo y empezo a integrar mas raperos. Uno de los grupos mas populares de la musica urbana en la ciudad eran Los Generales. 2 miembros del grupo querian hacer musica distinto que el grupo hacia. Se formo un collectivo de Mcs que eran de differente barrios de la ciudad de Cali. Formamos el grupo al estilo de Wu Tang Clan.
Una photo que fue inspirado por los fotographiass de NWA
Left to Right: SuperJam, Toppomental, Carnicero (Rolex or Fake Rolex, en Colombia you never
En "Nuestro Parche" or nuestro crew, estaba Mr Fu & Player G, ellos siempre nos acompanaba a las rumbas y presentaciones. Ellos nos representaba y eran fans de la musica. Mr Fu was the best wingman anybody could have. He was about it and his on A-game if trouble lurked. He would help you get the girls, talk to the girls friend, and looked out if problem was around.
Player G was street, a go-getta, and a player than had swag, he loved Raekwons album, Cypress Hill, Deathrow records and Notorious BIG's Life After Death.
We were on the way to Buenaventura on a bus to do a show. The bus got pulled over for a "requiza"
On our way back to Cali, we found ounces of weed stuck in between the seats. We would sit in the back seat, stick our heads out the window to smoke. On the bus in the middle row there was this pretty girl with an older man (maybe the father, uncle, or friend ). The girl was impressed with us and kept looking back to see who we were, Player G notices this. He told me watch Im gonna get that girl, I was like yeah right. The man got off at an earlier stop. Once we got off Playa G went and sat next to the girl. I swear to god within 5-10 minutes he was making out with the girl and got her number. She got off the next stop. We was going crazy and giving props to the homie and asking him how did he do it. He was like "Labia"
(Left to Right: Carnicero, Toppo, Player G, SuperJam, Power)
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