
Is Wu Tang Still Forever?

Recently my cousin told me that he wants to get the Wu Tang logo as a tattoo. I know a lot of people that have this tattoo as a tribute to the Some people may think of this as crazy others are like I want to get one too. Wu Tang has produced an endless amount of songs that are soundtracks to street and the ghetto youth during the 90's era, Afterall Wu-Tang is for the children. Well it turns out that one child Drake who was 10 yo when Wu Tangs "Wu Tang Forever" album was released. The rapper that most "old hedz" hate and the one who the "younginz" and "radio" support has released a song called "Wu Tang Forever" . Wu Tang announced that they will appear on the remix. But based on this The Wu Tang needs to play there Chess game right on this one. Based on what there move is they will win new wutang fans or loose there hardcore fans. By doing this the hardcore fans are gonna be like they sold out or they will be like Drake is just using them to get his street cred back especially after Kendrik Lamars recent comments Hip Hop is starting to feel like the Stock Exchange.

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