
Dear Fake Non-Loyal Parceros

Dear "Fake Non-Loyal-MoFo's? I don't want to put names out cause they know who they are. But I need to tell my story. Some time ago I looked out for a certain individual because of how long we known each other. I designed two flyers (unpaid) which means I took time from my busy schedule to help you and your events. I did this off the strength for what I though this movement is about. When they were done and I called you to check up you didnt even call back or send business back to me as you said you would. I done hooked you up with everything when you come to my area with whatever it is from bitches, drinks, rides and other substances. Matter of fact I hooked you up in other citys for that fact. I promoted your material and your peoples material round my way. Every little outlet that I got I would put you on. I connected you with certain folks and then yall did a collab and didnt even think of reaching out to me to get me involved. WHAT THE FUCK??? Then you told me you was gonna drop a mixtape and get me included. The mixtape was released and you didn't include me. You haven't done anything to reach out to me. You know who you are. You think I dont have access to your emails......lmao Espera lo que viene.

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