
Pablo Escobar Review "El Patron Del Mal"

El que no sabes su historia sera condenando si intenta de repetirlo.

"If you dont his story you are condemend if you try to repeat it"

That is the opening line to the novela of Pablo Escobar "El Patron Del Mal", a novela about the infamous Colombian drug lord produced by Caracol Television and distributed in the US by Telemundo. Andres Parra who many recognize from "El Cartel De Los Sapos" as Anastecia plays "El Patron". Andres Parra looks identicle and plays him perfect. He should win an emmy for this role.

The novela premiered in Colombia on May 28 & in the U.S. on July 9. I personally have been watching the novela on vagomundo.com and I'm already on episode 25. 

For my family this novela is a tough thing for them to watch like many Colombian people that lived during this time. It was a time of fear and violence that the drug cartels created. It was a time that will remain in Colombian history. For some Colombians its like watching a novela about 9-11. I enjoyed the first couple of episodes where they showed the young Pablo as a kid and as a teenager. The parts I found it to get slow near episode 24. There are certain things that got me lost in the novela that they didnt bring up or maybe I just didnt quite pay attention to like the "zebra part" or "what happend to Toppo".

Interesting Facts about the Novela

-Each episode costs about 164,000 (US) to film
-The novela is created by Camilo Cano, son of Guillermo Cano, publisher of newspaper El Espectador
 -The producer is Juana Uribe, vice president of Caracol TV,  daughter to Maruja Pachón, kidnapped on Escobar's orders, and niece to presidential candidate Luis Carlos Galán
- Certain names that have been changed
-Los Montoas --- Los Ochoas
- El Mariachi ---El Mexicano alias Gab Gacha
-Graciela--Griselda Blanco alias Godmother


  1. Quien no conoce su historia esta condenado a repetirla.

  2. que pobre es tu "review" desde la traducion (o tu interpretacion) de la frase intorductoria "el que no conoce..... hasta los comentarios carentes de profundidad o calidad que haces. " para lagunos Colombianos es como estar viendo una novela acerca del 9-11". pesima comparacion !. en fin.

  3. Este blog fue escrito cuando la novela apenas estaba comenzando..Y parte de este blog fue copiado de otra pagina..La comparasion de 911 es como decir k muchos gringos no quieren ver una novela de 911...como hay ciertos Colombianos k no quieren ver esta novela...
